
Angel&Lydia, Barcelona (Spain) - Namibia, Botswana (2014) & Rural China (2015)

We are Ángel and Lydia, a couple from Barcelona. We met Laura on a trip in Namibia-Botswana, she was our guide. She was always attentive to everybody's needs and making sure that we all enjoyed the trip. She did a great job and next year when we were planning our trip to China, we inmediately thought of her as a guide. She knows the country very well and has a lot of experience, so we decided to go on a 26 day trip in rural Chinal with her as our private guide. The route was more or less planned, but flexible and open to any changes. Everything went really well and Laura solved any issues we could have.  

We would also like to highlight her great knowlegde of Chinese among other languages (English, Spanish, Hungarian, Portuguese...). Travelling in rural China with her was not only different, and interesting, but also great fun. We definitely recommend Laura as a guide, and would encourage anyone who is thinking of going on a personalised trip to hire her, especially in China." (Translation from Spanish, click here to see original)

Berta, Mataró (Spain) - China (2015)

" Our paths crossed in China last summer. It was a lucky coincidence that Laura was my guide. Her passion for China was contagious, she made me discover a country way beyond my expectations. Her professionalism and enthusiasm to take us to her favourite places made this trip unique and unforgettable. " (Translation from Spanish, click here to see original)

Joaquín & Cristina, Zaragoza (Spain) - Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe (2012)

"Laura was waiting for us at the airport in Windhoek. She was our guide for 21 days on our trip around Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe. She was the best guide we could wish for, aiming for perfection at all times, creating a nice atmosphere, preparing small surprises, helping us discover hidden corners... Laura is full of enthusiasm for travelling and making your trip special. We have great memories from this trip: not only thousands of kilometres did we make, but we also met incredible people, had lots of laughs, told lots of stories around the fire, danced at night and watched the stars...we would be happy to repeat it any time!!!" (Translation from Spanish, click here to see original)

Laia, Glòria and  Jep (Catalunya) - Viaje de aventura por Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe (2012)

"Veure les dunes de Namíbia és una gran experiència, però dormir-hi sota les estrelles i veure sortir el sol al mig del desert  és sense dubte VIURE una gran aventura. 
Conèixer de ben a prop una tribu del nord de Botswana és un gran descobriment, però fer-ho amb voluntat d’aprendre de noves cultures és sens dubte un enriquiment com a persona.  Veure una de les meravelles naturals del món, com les Cataractes Victòria a Zimbabwe, és realment impactant, però fer-ho amb entusiasme i amb sentiment aventurer és sens dubte un gran privilegi. 
En definitiva, durant 21 dies, la Laura amb el seu entusiasme, les seves ganes de transmetre la seva gran passió i la seva més que capacitat de gestió organitzativa,  va fer que  no només fossin una vacances més que perfectes, sinó que tornéssim amb ganes de seguir descobrint noves cultures, nous mons i noves realitats. Gràcies Laura."

Translation from Catalan: "It was a great experience to see the dunes in Namibia, and a great adventure to sleep under the stars and see the sunrise in the middle of the desert. Meeting a tribe in the north of Botswana and learning about their culture was another amazing and enriching discovery. It was a great privilege to be part of this trip, to stand below one of the greatest natural wonders of the world, Victoria falls and to do all this in an atmosphere of adventure. In those 21 days, Laura not only managed to help us have an unforgettable holiday: her passion, enthusiasm and great management skills made us want to discover other cultures, countries ... other realities. Thank you, Laura."

Susana, Lisbon (Portugal)  - China (2010 & 2015)

"Viagei com a Laura pela primeira vez na província de Guangdong (China). Desde o primeiro minuto me senti segura e confortável, mesmo estando rodeada de uma cultura e língua tão diferentes e que, nessa altura, desconhecia totalmente. Com o passar das horas e dos dias fui aprendendo pormenores culturais, curiosidades e palavras de sobrevivência com a minha guia, que sempre encontrou óptimas opções de alojamento, refeições e transportes, sem esquecer o meu budget reduzido. Os seus conhecimentos acerca da China, a dedicação com que estuda o mandarim e a sua atitude profissional e divertida fizeram com que eu quisesse repetir a experiência cinco anos mais tarde, desta vez para Yangshuo, província de Guangxi. Com a Laura aprendi que há tantas oportunidades de nos alhearmos do quotidiano apressado e citadino e entrar na verdadeira aventura da descoberta dos meios rurais, da sua beleza natural e particularidades que são, em parte, a essência da China."

Javier&Carmen, Barcelona (Spain) - Namibia, Botswana (2012)

“We are Javier Arevalo and Carmen Castillo de Cornellá. We had the pleasure to meet Laura Toth  in 2012 on our trip with Kananga " La ruta del okawango " to Namibia, Botswana and Victoria falls. These trips are sem-adventurous with a clearly defined route but no easy due the distances, timetables and lack of infrastructure sometimes. Laura proved to have great leadership skills and with her enthusiasm, spontaneity and assertivity she was able to solve any problems that might arise. She was able to create good teamspirit and made the 21 days enjoyable moment by moment. She always had a surprise up her sleeve and we had a great time. Despite her young age and audacity she proved to be a great guide and we became friends. Thank you Laura.” (Translation from Spanish, click here to see original)